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Please bear with us while we are rebuilding our website!    


Here is a convenient way for our members to keep in touch with what's

happening in the credit union.


Our website is a one-stop-shop for information about all of our products and services

You'll also find:

Y Our current loan rates;

Y  Forms and Applications

Y  Products

Y  Home Banking Link.  (E-teller)  online banking link

Y  Newsletter;

Y  Staff directory and email addresses;  (click on "about us")

Y  Board of Directors and Committee Members; (Click on "about us")

Y  Holiday closings; (Newsletter page)

Y  Fee schedule;

Y  and much more!




$1000 minumum deposit on basic 6 and 12 month CDs.

6 month CDs are 3.75% interest with a 3.81% apy*

12 month CDs are 4.25% interest with a 4.33% apy*

*Annual percentage yield


Members 1st Credit Union is a member-owned financial institution chartered in 1957.  Members 1st Credit Union is striving to meet members' financial needs in the most personal and beneficial way possible. Our Field of Membership is comprised of all people who live or work in Windham, Windsor, Bennington and Rutland Counties in Vermont; Sullivan and Cheshire Counties in New Hampshire; and Franklin County in Massachusetts, as well as immediate family of current members.


Members 1st Credit Union offers attractive rates on checking and share accounts, CD's, IRAs, many kinds of loans and our own VISA card.  Take a look at our Products & Services page for more information.
This Credit Union federally insured by the National Credit Union Adminstration


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